- Reupload of the modpack or modified version of this modpack is not allowed to be redistributed on the other website, including CurseForge itself. - Any attempt of copying the city generation data to the other modpack is not allowed, we would like to keep the city data within the mod...
Delve into labyrinths, acquire new equipment and fight even more bosses. Still reading and not dowloading the modpack? Got more for you - Betweenlands. It's a harsh unforgiving world of swamps and dangers with many new mobs and bosses with lots of new mechanics, blocks and items for you ...
准备好来一场真正的Minecraft冒险了吗? 整合包发布页面: CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/forget-me-not Mcbbs(近期维护有时无法访 - Radical根号于20240119发布在抖音,已经收获了1.7万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Double check that they’re inside the “mods” folder in your Minecraft launcher directory, or inside your custom CurseForge profile. After confirming this and it’s still failing, then make sure the mods are compatible with your game version. For example, 1.12.2 mods cannot work with 1.16....
I have read [this page of the documentation] multiple times and tried a number of things, and I'm not sure what I'm missing, but I can't seem to get myAUTO_CURSEFORGEserver to automatically download mods. This is my./mods/test.txt: ...
This is due to their team updating packs only on their platform, rather than multiple areas like on CurseForge. It’s important for all players to have updated modpacks, as servers tend to have the most recent versions. Follow the instructions below to begin installing and setting up the ...
Join over 10 million players who use the CurseForge app!Download App Now Cobble Coves REFORGED! ByBenzinatorZ Modpacks 512 Description Welcome to Cobble CovesHere is a more up to date of Pixel Lands!But this time...COBBLEMON!I used Create: Perfect World as a basis, seem as all the mods...
Citadel, being a Library, does not add many features by itself, but rather provides a frame work for other mods when it comes to animating entities, loading .tbl Tabula and .obj Waveront models, and for keeping track of entity properties. Citadel's predecessor, LLibrary, will no longer be...
There is however a way to avoid the crash... You just have to turn on the modpack and load the shader only in the main menu. And now you can play with shaders ! 1.5 Update : Lock Chest 🔒 Textures of the ancient colored atlas 🗺️ (for the moment the nether is not touched...
If I did please do not report the mod pack but instead just leave a comment and send a private message to me so I may quickly solve the problem. If any mod maker wishes for me to remove the mod from the pack then please send me a PM and I will remove the mod as soon as ...