Experimental Backfire/Afterfire Mod (now customizable and MOD COMPATIBLE) 0.0052 TommoT, Nov 16, 2018, Mods of Mods adds some flamey action to every stock beamng vehicle (and most mods with 0.0050 update) 31 ratings Downloads: 483,462 Subscriptions: 214,536 Updated: Feb 21, 2025 '...
具体是谁泄露的MOD我先不说,这人也算是个老B吧人了,做出这样的事,属实是我没想到的。好自为之吧,也希望吧务来处理一下这件事情@王家海星 ,毕竟这件事已经给工作室带来了一定的经济损失,说难听点,本来年底工作室房租能不能交的上就看这个MOD做出来的视频了,结果整了这么一出。、解决方式很简单,删动态,...
BeamNG – Mazda Cosmo Sport (L10B) 1969 Mazda Cosmo Sport (L10B) 1969 car mod for BeamNG.Drive Good exterior and interior model, Elaborate engine compartment and engine, PBR materials are present, Your own sounds, Working lighting equipment, Working mirrors, Own wheels, 4... 0 Cars Ma...