SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi When you use this statement it will modify the record using the field DATE. LOOP AT I_TABLE_TEMP INTO W_TEMP ... ... MODIFY I_TABLE_TEMP FROM W_TEMP TRANSPORTING DATE. ... .. ENDLOOP. In the above code even if you are going to modify som...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development There seems to be no way to MODIFY a DB table from an internal table TRANSPORTING only certain fields. It seems a pity to loop through the internal table and do thousands of MODIFY commands. Or, as show below, loop through the itab and load from the...
For access using table keys, index access tosorted tablesand when the additionTRANSPORTINGis used, thewawork area must becompatiblewith the row type of the primary internal table. Only in the case of insertion using the table index instandard tableswithout the additionTRANSPORTINGcanwabe incompatible...
TRANSPORTING currcode. Addition ... USING KEY keyname Effect If the additionUSING KEYis used, a table key can be specified inkeynameto specify the table index to be used explicitly. If the table has asortedsecondary key, this can be specified inkeyname. The row to be modified is then de...
TRANSPORTING lw_status. Regards, Diwakar Reply Former Member In response to Former Member 2010 Apr 02 1:38 AM 0 Kudos 6,208 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development can I write the code as below? LOOP AT TABLEa INTO RECORDa. RECORDa-xxx = yyy. MODIFY TABLEa ... ENDLOOP. Reply...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello Experts, I am getting issue while modifying dynamic field symbol. My scenario is i have three internal table and field symbol. two field symbol has record and want to append both field symbol record in third(final) field symbol. my code is here. ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Kulbir Paji Hope it wil help you. modify itab_lcplanning from wa_struct transporting tasstdate tasenddate where phcode = wa_struct-phcode and wpcode = ' ' and actcode = ' ' and tascode = ' ' and fitgapcd = ' ' and subtascd = ' ' an...
Let me start with begging your apologies for not publishing any article in long time. I had to take a pause . I would try to publish as many as I can now. ABAP 740 has many new features. This new feature Table Expressions are also powerful and reduce the “code clutter”. ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Extensibility Hi Liu, One more clarification, is it in debugging mode to change the release version in table EDISDEF? Will it not create any consequences while transporting to other systems like tst and production? Regards,Siva. Reply DavidLY Product and Topic Expert ...
Modify itab from wa transporting field1 field2. Field1 and field2 are modifying fields in your internal table Regards, G.Aditya Edited by: Aditya.G on Dec 20, 2011 3:48 PM Reply Former Member 2011 Dec 20 10:18 AM 0 Kudos 2,618 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, Can...