在ModifyPDF模块中为您的文件添加作者、发布者和其他元数据非常简单。只需打开文件,切换到‘元数据’选项卡,输入相关信息,点击‘处理’,您的版权信息便嵌入其中。 3. 修剪白边以适应小屏幕 在小尺寸设备上阅读PDF时,若页边留空过多,阅读体验必然受损。通过ModifyPDF模块的‘修剪’功能,您可以轻松定义上下左右的剪...
使用ModifyPDF模块中的删除功能,用户可以轻松地清理掉无用的页面,比如广告或无效信息。通过记录多余页面的页码,用户只需输入要删除的范围,即可获得只包含有用内容的精简版PDF。这一特性在设计电子书时尤为重要,可以有效地帮助用户提取所需的信息,提升工作效率。 在AI技术快速发展的背景下,PDFShaper的这些功能无疑实现...
Modify PDFs with Adobe Acrobat to get your file just right. Only Adobe lets you add text and images, move page elements around, crop PDF pages and more.
Modify PDFs Add text to PDF Edit the text on PDF Delete a text Edit images Add images Make drawings Add annotations Add comments View the list of comments Organize pages in a PDF Crop pages in a PDF Save PDF to Adobe Cloud Storage Save a copy of PDF Share files Review files Fill ...
Unlocking PDF Modification Potential: A Comprehensive Guide with PDF Reader Pro In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the art of modifying PDF files using the powerful and versatile tool, PDF Reader Pro.PDF files have become the standard format for sharing and preserving documents, but what...
Create PDF files from various file formats, such as images, PPT, Excel, and Word. Free to use online, no installation required.
How can you modify your PDF files quickly using EXPERT PDF? Edit or delete text and images directly in your PDF.How can you edit PDF files quickly using EXPERT PDF? Edit or delete text and images directly in your PDF with our PDF editing software.
Edit your PDF files with ease. Add, remove or modify text, images and pages in one place, and never lose your place with productive cross-team collaboration.
modify-pdf can then be imported into your app as follows:import { loadLocalDocument, rotateDocument } from 'modify-pdf'; import { PDFDocument } from 'pdf-lib'; const document: PDFDocument = await loadLocalDocument('example.pdf'); const rotated: PDFDocument = rotateDocument(document, 90);...
PDF Editor Pro is a must-have app for anyone who wants to edit, modify PDF document. It allows you directly edit and modify PDF text, image, and so on. Moreover it also allows you insert new text, image, table and shape( line, dashed line, rectangle, rou