SAP ABAP通过 工作区修改内表用法(MODIFY) "MODIFI 内表名 FROM 结构(如果同名,可以不要 FROM GT_TAB) TRANSPORTING 要修改的字段名 WHERE 字段名= 新值。 MODIFY gt_tabFROM gt_tabTRANSPORTING vtweg_mcWHERE vtweg= <vtweg1>-vtweg. *查询渠道SELECTvtweg, vtextINTOTABLE@DATA(vtweg1)FROMtvtwtWHERE...
* Modifying Internal Tables address-street = 'Tian He Road'. address-city = 'Beijing'. READ TABLE company_tab WITH TABLE KEY name = 'Beijing CaoYa Co. Ltd' INTO company. READ TABLE company-addresses TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WITH TABLE KEY city = address-city. idx = sy-tabix. MODIFY compan...
SAP ABAP 07(中日版)MODIFY命令 1 收藏 简述:MODIFY命令的作用,数据重复会变更,不重复就插入。 ①外表DB数据库 单行 变更/插入 ②外表DB数据库 复数行 变更/插入 ③内表 单行 变更/插入 ④内表 复数行 变更/插入 REPORT ZMODIFY1. *構造の作成 DATA Z_TEST TYPE T100. DATA TA1 TYPE TABLE OF T100....
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, What I'd like to do is modify entries of an Internal table, from another another internal table, based on certain field logic. For example, say my main internal table has two lines and 2 fields. Fields Name Matnr Line 1 Jim 1059 Line 2 Bush 20...
Solved: Hi, I am working on field symbols in the abap program. I am trying to modify the records of the internal table. I am new to field pointers and going to through
The following limitations apply when modifying key fields of theprimaryandsecondary table keys: The key fields of theprimary table keyofsorted tablesandhashed tablesare read-only and must not be modified. This would invalidate internal table administration. The processing statements for internal tables ...
Modifying several lines using internal table Modify single row using table work area - To insert or modify a single row in a database table, use the following syntax - MODIFYdb-tableFROMwork-area. db-tableis the name of a ABAP Dictionary database table andwork-areais the table work area...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development ABAP Development Programming Tool View products (1) Hi, I have a Ztable in which i have 4 diff fields...1 2 3 4 and an internal table in whch i have same number of fields... Internal table : 1 2 3 4 a w x 9 a w x 10 a w x 11...
thewawork area must becompatiblewith the row type of the primary internal table. Only in the case of insertion using the table index instandard tableswithout the additionTRANSPORTINGcanwabe incompatible with the line type of the internal table, and is converted to the row type in accordance with...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello, Could abyone please advice me...I'm trying to modify the database table with internal table, but its updating with new record rather modify the same... MODIFY dbtable FROM TABLE itab. 1st line fields are key fields... BAREA PLTYP PLAN_OPT ...