d Representative images of Drosophila eyes expressing the indicated FUS proteins alone (left column), in combination with RNAi-mediated knockdown of mbl (middle column), or with overexpression of Mbl isoform C (right column). (N = 17–117). e Quantification of eye degeneration severity ...
d Representative images of Drosophila eyes expressing the indicated FUS proteins alone (left column), in combination with RNAi-mediated knockdown of mbl (middle column), or with overexpression of Mbl isoform C (right column). (N = 17–117). e Quantification of eye degeneration severity ...
This way, I’d only be using my middle finger, which was the least damaged part of my hand when it was broken. Now, I’m playing on a macbook. I looked up how to remap the modifiers, but the system settings only let you adjust them to other modifiers (ie turn alt into shift, ...
BottomRightRadius BreadCrumbShortTitle BreadCrumbTitle BreakStrategy BufferType Button ButtonBarButtonStyle ButtonBarNegativeButtonStyle ButtonBarNeutralButtonStyle ButtonBarPositiveButtonStyle ButtonBarStyle ButtonCornerRadius ButtonGravity ButtonStyle ButtonStyleInset ButtonStyleSmall ButtonStyleToggle ButtonTint ButtonTint...
A, representative DIC images (left panel) and quantification of acini or filled colony morphology (right panel, mean ± S.E., n = 3 or 4) of NMuMG cells transfected with vector control, wild-type SnoN1, SnoN1KdR, or SUMO-SnoN1-expressing plasmids that were left untreated or incubated ...