Vallino A, Dos Santos A, Mathé CV, Garcia A, Morille J, Dugast E, Shah SP, Héry-Arnaud G, Guilloux C-A, Gleeson PJ, et al. Gut bacteria Akkermansia elicit a specific IgG response in CSF of patients with MS. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. 2020; 7(3. doi:10.1212/NXI.000000000000...
Dewerchin M, Plaisance S, Vlietinck R, Emanuel B, Gittenberger-de Groot AC, Esguerra CV, Scambler P, Morrow B, Driscoll DA, Moons L, Esguerra CV, Carmeliet G, Behn-Krappa A, DeVviendt K, Collen D, Conway SJ, Carmeliet P 2003 VEGF: a modifier of the del22q11 (DiGeorge) syndr...
Materials and methods Plant material Five spring barley cultivars with divergent pedigrees were used: GP (UK) and four malting cultivars: "Morex" (USA), "Scarlett" (Germany), "Krona" (Germany), and "Dema" (Poland), except for the six-row cv. "Morex", the rest of the cultivars ...
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ITt Eshionulrdubbebenroyteadntdhagt ltahsessye sintacrteeass,eainndfrfege is the fractionvaollufmreeecvouolldumsigeniafticTangt.lyTihmeprreofvoereth, ethtoeuignhcnreesassiendcu∆rαedftohrertmheosTeAts–[2C2O–2O4,3H4–m36o].dified epoxy resins indicates the exisTtaebnlece2. oLfinmea...