批量替换 .ass 字幕文件中特定样式的字体名称,使字幕使用你选择的字体显示,而不需要安装特定字幕的字体 - ass-fonts-modifier/yarn.lock at f05a2b140a6d19508e9270caff6ee1a66fe44d84 · zhouhaixian/ass-fonts-modifier
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添加到计划 通过 Facebookx.com 共享LinkedIn电子邮件 打印 项目 2006/11/18 本文内容 Arguments Remarks Requirements See Also Declares that a class member has private visibility. 复制 private statement Arguments statement Required. A class member definition. ...
“implements <derivedinterfacename>”中的“.<membername>”已由基类“”实现。假定重新实现 <type> “<classname>”不符合 CLS,因为它是从不符合 CLS 的“”派生的 “<classname>”不符合 CLS,因为它所实现的接口“<interfacename>”不符合 CLS “<classname2>”已声明为“NotInheritable”,因此“<classname1>...
You have attempted to access a method that is not accessible in this context due to a modifier that has been applied to it.Error ID: BC30390To correct this errorRemove the modifier.See AlsoConceptsConsiderations for Choosing Access Levels for MethodsReference...
透過執行個體存取共用成員。將不會評估合格的運算式 AddHandler' 和 'RemoveHandler' 方法參數不可以宣告為 'ByRef' 'AddHandler' 和 'RemoveHandler' 方法參數必須與包含事件擁有相同的委派型別 'AddHandler' 和 'RemoveHandler' 方法必須剛好有一個參數 'AddHandler' 宣告之後必須搭配相對應的 'End AddHandler' ...
You have attempted to access a method that is not accessible in this context due to a modifier that has been applied to it.Error ID: BC30390To correct this errorRemove the modifier.See AlsoConceptsConsiderations for Choosing Access Levels for MethodsReference...
You have attempted to access a method that is not accessible in this context due to a modifier that has been applied to it.Error ID: BC30390To correct this errorRemove the modifier.See AlsoConceptsConsiderations for Choosing Access Levels for MethodsReference...
You have attempted to access a method that is not accessible in this context due to a modifier that has been applied to it.Error ID: BC30390To correct this errorRemove the modifier.See AlsoConceptsConsiderations for Choosing Access Levels for MethodsReference...