In this paper, basing on the statistical features of the image, we propose a modified adaptive median filter (MAMF) for removal of impulse noise, especially for the high-density impulse noises. To avoid the shortcoming of the adaptive median filter (AMF) and the adaptive threshold median filter...
Except for the region around x 0.2, where the nNNPDF3.0 nuclear ratio is somewhat higher, the nNNPDF3.0 predic- tions agree within uncertainties in the full x range with EPPS16, while for x <∼ 10−3 the nCTEQ prediction for Rg is instead higher and consistent with no gluon ...
This paper presents an intelligent modeling approach for the prediction of compressive and tensile strength of thermally degraded cement matrix modified with the brick powder. For this purpose, artificial neural networks were used, the support vector machine approach and classical functional models were ...
[0,0.1;0,0.1]\). The box represents the data distribution within the range of 25%-75% of\(N_{1,ij}\)and\(N_{2,ij}\). The solid line in the box is the median line of data distribution, the line cap represents the maximum and minimum value of data distribution. The red ...
We present an updated determination of nuclear parton distributions (nPDFs) from a global NLO QCD analysis of hard processes in fixed-target lepton-nucleus
Therefore, an additional pre-processing step to keep the speech characteristic before applying the median filter is needed. For example, a short-term linear prediction (STP) filter and a long-term prediction (LTP) filter which are parametric approaches to model speech signal can be utilized as ...
Self-adaptive fuzzy combination to LSSVM is increased day-ahead electricity price forecasting accurate. Albeit the HBMO has been shown an effective performance in different engineering problems94,56,96. To obtain the LSSVM-SFK potential, its variables such as penalty factor, bias and weights must...
Multiresolution and adaptive thresholding based methods are used to extract depth of Q peak and ST segment elevation for detection of MI in [12]. MI is identified in ECG signals using time-domain, morphological and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) features in [13]. Dohare et al. [14] ...
Schooling would focus on learning how to learn throughout life to optimise personal adaptive capacity and resilience, develop skills/ capabilities/ competencies needed for contemporary and future living and to be flexible/ adaptive in new situations including in the workforce or further study, ...