Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) supporters listen to prime minister Narendra Modi’s victory speech at the party headquarters in New Delhi. Edited By MALLIKA SEN and YIRMIYAN ARTHUR Updated 1:27 AM GMT+8, June 5, 2024 Share Today’s live coverage has ended, but there’s still plenty to...
Modi then carried the “Sengol” in a procession amid tunes of “nadaswaram” and chanting of Vedic mantras to the new Parliament building and installed it in a special enclosure on the right side of the Speaker’s chair in the Lok Sabha chamber. Union ministers Rajnath Singh, Amit Shah, ...
Gandhi was also the face of the two-dozen party opposition alliance that denied Modi an outright majority in the parliamentary election and is currently the leader of the opposition in the lower house of parliament. This News was posted on Tuesday, October 8th, 2024 at 7:13 am and is filed...
i asked premi if i could look at his phone. in recent months, the bjp had become more brazen in talking about its own vast apparatus for generating memes. in september 2018, amit shah had given a speech to the party’s social media volunteers and talked about a whatsapp group that the...
I cannot excuse, however, the blatant disregard that such a difference even *exists* save as clothing and odd speech patterns. junior says: December 13, 2021 at 4:16 pm My thought on historical characters is that I wouldn’t mind if it went both ways, and the exceptions where it ...
2. Both leaders won fewer than a third of the popular votes in "landslides" to achieve absolute majorities in their respective national parliaments. 3. Both politicians are considered pro-business with close ties to oligarchs. There's Sharif-Mansha nexus in Pakistan similar to Modi-Adani nexus...
you are with India, and if you are not with Modi, you are anti-India,” he thunders in a video watched 80,000 times on YouTube and widely circulated on WhatsApp. Weeks after this speech went viral, the young firebrand was tapped by Modi and Shah to run for parliament from Bangalore....
Mohammad Afzal Guru was a Kashmiri who wasconvictedfor his alleged role in the 2001 Indian Parliament attack. He was sentenced to death in a controversial judgment and executed on February 9, 2013. In upholding the death sentence, the Indian supreme court acknowledged that the evidence against Gu...
Thanking the selfless service providers Prime Minister said that there are many brave people who are in the forefront of fighting the COVID-19 pandemic like medical staff, police, government servants, airline staff, media persons, bus/train/auto operators and those involved in providing home deliv...
I would like to introduce you to another player, Manish Kaushik ji of Bhiwani, Haryana. Manish ji comes from an agricultural family. While working in the fields in his childhood, Manish became fond of boxing. Today this hobby of his is taking him to Tokyo. There is another player, C.A...