▶ Read more about how some in the Hindi film industry have embraced Modi. 下午10:14 GMT+8 Modi says election is ‘historical feat’ By KRUTIKA PATHI Share Prime Minister Narendra Modi says his coalition is on the path to a third straight term in government after India’s marathon ...
The fact that PM Modi spoke clearly with Putin and told him that it was unfortunate he was choosing war over peace with Ukraine, or the fact that his comments in Hindi were put out on all social media, is a signal that India is not completely on Putin’s side of the fence.Certainly,...
Har #Modi ke aage #bhrashtachaar surname laga hua hai..toh baat ko no samjho..#Modi mutlab #bhrashtachaar..let’s change the meaning of #Modi to corruption..suits better..#Nirav #Lalit #Namo = corruption..," she posted in Hindi....
in the country. and the northwestern corner of the state, where i was headed, was a particularly active fault line of sectarian violence and paranoia. in the summer of modi’s election, for instance, one particular story from the region had become a blockbuster in the hindi-language press:...
Zerodha co-founder Nikhil Kamath shared the teaser of the next episode of his podcast 'WTF is withNikhil Kamath' and the mystery guest featured on the show has left everyone guessing. In a short clip, shared by the billionaire on social media, ...
I request all the voters of Devbhoomi to participate with full enthusiasm in this festival of democracy and create a new record of voting," tweeted PM Modi in Hindi."My special wishes to all the youth of the state who will be voting for the first time today," he ad...
As general election 2019 are almost over, now it is speculated that BJP will be best to remain on top of the game. That is because BJP government has numerous achievements under their belt to show. In press conferences and interviews top BJP ministers ar
all from north India and all from upper castes. The trend is just as stark outside of government. A study published last year of the mainstream Hindi and English press revealed that out of 121 people in senior jobs, such as editors, all but 15 were upper caste. Not a single one was ...
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