This paper deals with the effects of different modes of communication in a costless information transmission environment with multiple senders. To this aim, we present a theoretical and experimental study of three Cheap Talk games, each having two senders and one receiver. The communication of sende...
No new ratings for this product in the past year. Showing previous ratings and reviews instead. All Rating Sort by: Most relevant E E***s Feb 12, 2022 undefined Supplier's reply: Thank you for your support and love, as well as your recognition of the products. The whole process of co...
to a system where genitive is a dependent case assigned to DPs in the sense of Marantz (1991). Interestingly, the development from Classical Greek (CG) to Modern Greek (MG) affected the availability of dative/genitive-nominative alternations in passivization, in the opposite direction of what m...
As another example, we can think of a customer who is shopping for an electronic product. Would it better for him to consult only one salesperson before making a decision to buy or could he benefit from the advice of an additional salesperson if he believes that both of them are trying ...
The public–private partnership (PPP) based model for the execution of infrastructure projects originated from Anglo-Saxon countries and was initially used in 1977 by the United Kingdom (U.K). Since then, its popularity has increased worldwide. Earlier studies by researchers and many other profess...