modern-normalize 给你一个代替 normalize.css 的选择 对于normalize.css 大家一定不陌生,它在默认的 HTML 元素样式上提供了跨浏览器的高度一致性。由于它强调通用性,可能在实际项目中并不能满足需要,因此小编向大家介绍一个更加纯粹的样式优化方案:modern-normalize 。 modern-normalize 与 normalize.css 的不同之处...
总的来说,modern-normalize只针对现代浏览器,而且足够现代,甚至IE和Edge都已经放弃。我们只能忘洋兴叹啦。 normalize.css 我们知道normalize.css可以让浏览器以接近标准的方式一致地渲染所有元素,而且不同于cssrest,只针对需要正常化的元素。它的官方网站为normalize.css,最新版本为8.0。 浏览器支持 Chrome Edge Firefox...
Normalize browsers' default style. Latest version: 3.0.1, last published: 5 months ago. Start using modern-normalize in your project by running `npm i modern-normalize`. There are 179 other projects in the npm registry using modern-normalize.
@import 'node_modules/modern-normalize/modern-normalize.css'; or FAQ Can you provide Sass, Less, etc, ports? There's absolutely no reason to have separate ports for these. They are just CSS supersets and can import CSS directly. Related sass-extras - Useful utilities for working with Sas...
Learn more Differences fromnormalize.css Smaller Includes only normalizations for the latest Chrome, Firefox, and Safari Setsbox-sizing: border-box Improves consistency of default fonts Sets a more readable tab size Fully tested Maintained If you have questions ...
yarn add modern-normalize-css Bun bun add modern-normalize-css Simply copy thestyles/normalize.cssfile to your project and use it as you would the original normalize.css file in the root of the project. Usage Import in CSS Add the following line to your main CSS file: ... Help support cdnjs You cancontribute onGitHubto help make cdnjs sustainable! Or, donate $5 to cdnjs viaOpen CollectiveorPatreon.
Switch to modern-normalize for better cross-browser consistency in styling and remove the deprecated normalize.css. tailwind uses modern-normalize normalize.css hasn't been updated in 6 years i've done some testing and everything looks the same as befo...
Using UnoCSS in applet(UniApp / Taro) to be compatible with unsupported syntax. 在小程序中使用UnoCSS,兼容不支持的语法。 - feat(reset): add Eric Meyer, normalize.css, modern-nomalize.css and s… · unocss-applet/unocss-applet@296040a
A modern alternative to CSS resets NPM npm install --save normalize.css CDN See Download See What does it do? Preserves useful defaults, unlike many CSS resets. ...