modern portfolio theory 现代投资组合理论见portfolio theory.相似单词 modern adj. 1.现代的,当代的 2.新式的,有别于传统的 3.时新的,现代化的,最新的 4.新式的,时髦的 quantity n. 量,数量,许多,大量 money n. 1.[U]钱,薪水,收入 2.[U]钱币,钞票 3.[U]财产,财富 4.[pl.]【旧】【法律】...
现代货币数量论(modern quantity theory of money) (重定向自现代货币数量论(modern quantity theory of money)) 现代货币数量 …|基于11个网页 2. 理论为现代货币数量学说 ...论却与费雪的货币数量学说的结论非常类似。也正因为这个原因,一般常称其理论为现代货币数量学说(modern quantity the…...
2014. From the State Theory of Money to Modern Money Theory: An Alternative to Economic Orthdoxy, Levy Economics Institute working paper no. 792WRAY, L. R. From the state theory of money to modern money theory: an alternative to economic orthodoxy. New York: Levy Economics Institute, Mar....
Because money’s usage in MMT is mainly as a medium of exchange and unit of account and the money itself is a worthless token, the theory is called “Chartalism” or “token” theory of money. The concept of the power of the state imbuing money with value is first articulated in ...
of economy and institutiton.Based on this analysis,the paper constructs the GARCH model,draws some conclusions:the relationship among money,product and price in the theory of modern money demand is long and steady;many factors have manifest effect on the high level money,such as the rate of ...
按照主流经济学界的说法,现代货币理论(MMT)就是凯恩斯主义、国家资本主义、金融不稳定假说等异端学说的汇总,因与他们所崇尚的高贵、纯洁的自由市场主义格格不入,所以几乎总是对其恶语相向,双方之间吵得不可开交。 在国外,尤其是今年以来,不论是政府层面、学术界还是民间经济组织,对现代货币理论的争论达到了前所未有的...
One of the main contributions of Modern Money Theory (MMT) has been to explain why monetarily sovereign governments have a very flexible policy space that is unencumbered by hard financial constraints. Through a detailed analysis of the institutions and practices surrounding the fiscal and monetary ...
作为宏观经济学的一个分支,现代货币理论(Modern Money Theory,MMT)近年来得到了长足的发展。现代货币理论的“现代”一词被认为起源于4000多年前货币成为国家货币开始,如今,这种理论则是一种全新的研究方法。按照本书作者L.兰德尔·雷(L.Randall Wray)的说法,这个理论... (展开) ...
The Theory of Modern Money Demandand the Study of High Level of China s Monetary; 现代货币数量论与中国“高货币化”成因 更多例句>> 2) quantity theory of money 货币数量论 1. Right now, as the long-run steady equilibrium among money, price and output still gets most theoretical and positive...
2014. "Modern Money Theory, and Interrelations between the Treasury and Central Bank: The Case of the United States." Journal of Economic Issues 48(3): 641- 62.Tymoigne, E. 2014. "Modern Money Theory and Interrelations between the Treasury and the Central Bank: The Case of the United ...