modern slavery ethical labour statement样本 以下是一个"Modern Slavery Ethical Labour Statement"(现代奴隶制道德劳工声明)的样本: 我们[公司名称]承诺维护道德和合法的劳动实践,并与现代奴隶制和人口贩运作斗争。 我们认识到,现代奴隶制是对人类尊严和权利的严重侵犯,给个人和社会带来极大的伤害。我们致力于确保我们...
modern slavery ethical labour statement 样本 (原创版) 1.现代奴隶制的概念和现状 2.企业应采取的道德劳动声明 3.道德劳动声明对企业的重要性 4.如何实施道德劳动声明 正文 1.现代奴隶制的概念和现状 现代奴隶制,也称为当代奴隶制,是指以剥削劳动力为基础的制度,其中个人被强迫从事劳动,而无法获得公正的报酬或...
Nokia does not tolerate, in any form or context, the use of servitude, forced or bonded labor, human trafficking, or slavery, in its operations in any region in which we operate, or in any part of our global supply chain.
McDonald’s Restaurants Limited (“McDonald’s UK”, “Company,”“we” or “our”) published its first Modern Slavery statement in 2017. We continue to build our knowledge of the risks of modern slavery and the areas of our business that could face some of these challenges. We work acro...
MDDUS Modern Slavery Statement 2024 This is the MDDUS Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for the financial year ending 31 December 2023. The Statement is made in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the Act). It was agreed by the Board of Directors on 23 February 2024. ...
modern slavery ethical labour statement 样本 摘要: 1.现代奴隶制的定义和背景 2.道德劳动声明的目的和重要性 3.道德劳动声明的主要内容 4.实施道德劳动声明的挑战和建议 5.我国在反对现代奴隶制方面的立场和举措 正文: 一、现代奴隶制的定义和背景 现代奴隶制,也称为当代奴隶制,指的是以剥削劳动力为主要目的,...
modern slavery ethical labour statement 样本 (最新版) 1.现代奴隶制的定义和背景 2.企业道德劳动声明的重要性 3.道德劳动声明的内容和要求 4.企业实施道德劳动声明的挑战和解决方案 5.道德劳动声明对企业的益处 正文 现代奴隶制是指以劳动力剥削、人口贩卖、性奴役等方式对个体进行控制的一种制度。在全球化和...
The Outright Games statement that fulfils the company legal obligation to combat modern slavery and human trafficking within the organisation.
Modern Slavery Statement Holland & Barrett International Limited and Holland & Barrett Retail Limited (“H&B”). Modern Slavery Statement of H&B This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our Modern Slavery statement for the financial year ending...
Policy statement Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms, such as slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking, all of which have in common the deprivation of a person’s liberty by another in order to exploit them...