("Statement"). This Statement sets out the steps Ipsos has taken to address the risk of slavery and human trafficking taking place within its own operations and supply chains. For the purposes of this Statement, Ipsos represents: Ipsos MORI UK Ltd and Ipsos (market research) Limited, formerly...
For suppliers, the global SWA programme includes an online training platform where they can access materials that provide guidance on preventing modern slavery. Training modules include: Ensuring Eligibility to Work, Protecting the Rights of Migrant Labour, and Implementing Grievance Mechanisms. For exampl...
We have considered the exposure of the Group to modern slavery risk, taking into account the nature of our business activities; the application of Group policies, particularly procurement and recruitment practices; and the markets and geographies we operate in. Taking guidance from the United Nations...
We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery, human trafficking, or unlawful child labour in our supply chains or in any part of our business. The Modern Slavery Statement below outlines our approach and the steps we've taken to prevent modern slavery at Bourne Leisure. Downlo...
Modern Slavery Statement 2024Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms such as slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking, all of which exploit someone else for the purpose of personal or commercial gain. Snozone is ...
MDDUS Modern Slavery Statement 2024 This is the MDDUS Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for the financial year ending 31 December 2023. The Statement is made in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the Act). It was agreed by the Board of Directors on 23 February 2024. ...
We provide them with training and guidance, and our Welfare Support team is available to manage more complex and sensitive cases to adapt our services and offer signposting to specialist organisations in line with victim-survivors’ additional needs. This includes the introduction of language ...
Relevant processes and policies, including an updated Procurement Policy and Guidance, all available on the NAE intranet. This helps ensure that modern slavery is addressed, incorporating ethical trade, corporate social responsibility and human rights. ...
STATEMENT ON MODERN SLAVERY In accordance with California’s Civil Code section 1714.43 (California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010), Hilti, Inc. declares that it strives to maintain a culture of compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, and the highest standard of ...
Modern slavery statement Slavery, servitude, forced labor, and human trafficking remain global concerns, and no industry or company can be considered immune to the different forms of modern slavery. Nokia does not tolerate, in any form or context, the use of servitude, forced or bonded labor, ...