understandingofthisActandareavailableseparately £14.25 ModernSlaveryAct2015 CHAPTER30 CONTENTS PART1 OFFENCES Offences 1Slavery,servitudeandforcedorcompulsorylabour 2Humantrafficking 3Meaningofexploitation 4Committingoffencewithintenttocommitoffenceundersection2 ...
Modern Slavery Act 2015: Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement This Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement is made by Bird & Bird LLP (the "firm" or "we") under section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the "Act") for financial year ended 30 April 2023 and was app...
The Modern Slavery Act 2015 (Commencement No. 2) Regulations 2015doi:2015 No. 1690 (C. 101)介绍性文本1.引文和解释2.规定于2015年10月15日生效53.规定于2015年11月1日生效5签署关于早期开工令的解释性说明
The UK Modern Slavery Act 2015: Guidance, Compliance Statements, and Practical StepsTom Fox
Clifford Chance is committed to ensuring that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in our business or in our supply chains. We publish an annual statement on modern slavery on our website in accordance with section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. ...
Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement 2021Open a new window (PDF 237 KB) Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement 2020Open a new window (PDF 1.41 MB) Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement 2019Open a new window (PDF 756 KB) Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement 20...
Modern Slavery Act 2015Our statement Please download our Modern Slavery Act Statement here. How can we help? Head Office Media Commercial Suppliers About Us Our People Investment Health and Safety Our Extended Solutions Suppliers Copyright © 2024 Peel Ports Group Legal Information Privacy Notice ...
Sony publishes a group-wide annual statement on the steps being taken to ensure that slavery and human trafficking do not take place in our business or supply chains. This statement also satisfies the requirements from the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015. If you wish to know more about Sony’s ...
The Modern Slavery Act (MSA) 2015, hailed as “the first of its kind in Europe to specifically address slavery and trafficking in the 21st century”
内容提示: AlertWeil, Gotshal & MangesNovember 2015Modern Slavery Act 2015Supply Chain Transparency StatementsSummaryOn 29 October 2015 Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“the Act”) came into force, requiring businesses to publish an annual statement specifying the steps taken to ensure ...