Share on Facebook modern-day (redirected fromModern day) Thesaurus Idioms Wikipedia mod·ern-day (mŏd′ərn-dā′) adj. Belonging to recent times or the present; contemporary:two lovers who were a modern-day Romeo and Juliet. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth...
Drama Notebook Average rating: 2750 reviews 15 characters; 7M, 8F; 36 pages in length. Approximately 30-45 minutes running time. A comedy for teens written by Ryan Bultrowicz. The Lamentable Tragedy of Titus and Julietis the comedy about a school’s annual Shakespeare competition. When it’...
Romeo and Juliet: A Modern Day SequelJames Edwards
Varnado insists that a queer reading will look beyond the responses that an imagination conditioned on heteronormative culture will find obvious, like the assumption that Romeo and Juliet spend their one night together dutifully consummating their marriage in penetrative penile-vaginal intercourse. Book...
4.A New Interpretation of Love Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet;《罗密欧与朱丽叶》——现代爱情悲剧的价值论释义 5.Gender Connotation in Modern Chinese Novel of Love;中国现代爱情题材小说的性别内涵分析 6.The Embarrassments of Nora after Her Departure-Modern Love Comedies as Viewed from the Perspective of...
174. The Book Thief John Williams 3.776 425 18 46 88 134 139 175. The Devil's Own James Horner 3.775 466 56 56 61 57 236 176. The Last Samurai Hans Zimmer 3.774 3,992 259 336 740 1,369 1,288 177. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets John Williams, William Ross 3.773 13,783...
EME Literature (1509-1789) James I (1566-1625) Ben Jonson (1572-1637) John Donne (1572-1631) Great Writers in the Renaissance (1485-1603) Great Dramatists William Shakespeare (1564-1616) Hamlet (1601) Othello (1604) King Lear (1606) Macbeth (1606) Romeo and Juliet (1595) The Merchant...
Two of his most famous plays are Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet. E. Liu Cixin is a Chinese writer who is good at writing science fictions. His book The Three Body Problem won the 2015 Hugo Award for Best Novel. F.Charlotte Bronte is an English writer. Her novel, Jane Eyre, is one of...
“The book is authentic, and very close to Shakespeare’s original plot. It also has the WHOLE story there, and doesn’t miss parts out. It explores the characters well, for example when it describes Romeo’s mood… I rate it 5 stars.” ...
Shakespeare even referenced the potency of the Aconitum herb in his play Romeo and Juliet, in which Romeo uses Aconitum poison to commit suicide [159]. According to Chan et al. [5], as little as 2 mg of Aconitum can be lethal to an average human, emphasizing the need for extreme ...