PreambleThis is another specialization from Northwestern. Robotics, a 6-course specialization with theory and exercises. Modern Robotics: Mechanics, Planning, and Control Specialization[doing] Moder…
之前学习了 Coursera 上的機器人學一 (Robotics (1)),对机械臂的运动学分析以及路径规划有了大致了解,课程后期的测验题涉及了大量的三角函数运算,手算几乎不太可能,由于缺乏编程求解方面的详细指导,后面的题目也没有做出来。 看了一下Modern Robotics: Mechanics, Planning, and Control 专项课程的简介,有编程方面...
AI is the science that empowers computers to mimic human intelligence such as decision making, reasoning, text processing, and visual perception. AI is a broader general field that entails several sub-fields such as machine learning, robotics, and computer vision. ...
Online learning platforms play a critical role in addressing the skills gap by providing accessible and flexible education options. Platforms like Coursera, edX, Udacity, and LinkedIn Learning offer a wide range of courses in various tech fields. These platforms often partner with leading universities...
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MotionCapture.jl: Astro.jl: GalacticDynamics.jl: LightCurves.jl: MLJ.jl: ...
Mar 17th 2025 The capstone project of the Modern Robotics specialization is on mobile manipulation: simultaneously controlling the motion of a wheeled mobile base and its robot arm to achieve a manipulation task. This project integrates several topics from the specialization, including trajectory planning...
Robotics Robot Control Motion Planning Robot Motion Coursera Plus Course Auditing Coursera Northwestern University Kevin Lynch CS: Artificial Intelligence, Robotics & Computer Vision Engineering USA Intermediate 4 Weeks 5-10 Hours/Week Yes, Paid Exam and/or Final Project Paid Certificate ...