Visually inspect the apple for any bruised, rotten, or over-ripe spots, and lightly press any suspect spots to see if they may be soft to the touch. The apple should be firm and red all over. It is not fun to discover such a spot after you have already put in time carving. I ...
Visually inspect the apple for any bruised, rotten, or over-ripe spots, and lightly press any suspect spots to see if they may be soft to the touch. The apple should be firm and red all over. It is not fun to discover such a spot after you have already put in time carving. I ...
(a place) rotten with the moistness of rancid snot andputrid, completely filled with fat, pus, the stench of sweat, saliva, bile, phlegm, lungs,small intestine, colon, spleen, bladder, and many varieties of filth, a dwelling for manythousands of types of worms that has two very foul-...
not personal, and thus not capable of' “anger” in any normal sense; but we have a common metaphor which lets us speak of “angry skies” and the like, and it would let us say that God or Nature is angry with a person, meaning simply that the universe has dealt him a rotten ...