Philosophical Differences: Modern Orthodox schools must teach JewishEmanuel Rackman
A study of the teaching of jewish history in modern orthodox yeshivah high schoolsdoi:10.1080/0021642860540404David I. BernsteinJournal of Jewish Education
Define Modern Maturity. Modern Maturity synonyms, Modern Maturity pronunciation, Modern Maturity translation, English dictionary definition of Modern Maturity. abbr. American Association of Retired Persons American Heritage® Dictionary of the English
Dubrau,“A Jewish Orthodox Response to the Hostility towards the Morality of Jewish Lawand theJewish Godat the Beginning of the Twentieth Century in Germany: Rabbi David ZviHoffmann (1843–1921) on the Relationshipbetween Jews and Gentiles,”inTransfer and Reli-gion: Interactions between Judaism,...
]Byregarding suchabook[theBible]asdivinelyinspiredand as containingthe rulesof conduct,amancanonlybecomeunjust,withoutfaith,withouthonor,withoutpity,inawordcompletely devoidof morals.²Thatis, Jewishteachingsasconceivedinthe Bibleshape ahumanbeingwhobehavesentirelycontraryto therequisitevirtuesof an ...
Lisa BethThe purpose of this 10-month inquiry was to describe and to document why and how one effective principal at a Modern Orthodox Jewish elementary school enacts her conceptions of leadership, professional development and school improvement in her day-to-day practices. In the world of ...
An Orthodox Jewish girl finds herself falling in love with a man from another faith she meets at the counter. Should she really have obeyed the rules, “averted her eyes/and just stared at the laminated picture of the Dome of the Rock?” Perhaps, through music, even a secular person ...
This article presents an analysis of three recent Orthodox responsa on the question of women's participation in public Torah reading. Responsa are read as a model for Jewish communal identity construction. Despite differences of opinion as to the permissibility of women's taking part in the rit...
But the ultra-Orthodox Jews living in Jerusalem, for whom Hebrew was used only for holy purposes such as studying Torah, saw through Ben-Yehuda’s guise. Sensing his secular-nationalist intentions, they rejected him and his language. They went so far as to declare a herem, excommunicating ...
The Eastern Orthodox church is the dominant religion; only about 1.5 percent of the population is Muslim, and a small percentage is Roman Catholic, Greek Catholic, or Jewish. Traditionally, Greeks referred to themselves as "Hellenes" and to the country of Greece as "Hellas." The word "...