这是一个加了ModernMasters透明釉彩者哩(PSWGC1000)完成的硬币壁画。 这是孩子们的魔法森林,新泽西州图书馆。这也是Big Sky Countries的一个捐赠项目。使用的是ModernMasters的树脂浓缩色浆(PSGC)与透明釉彩者哩(PWSGC1000)完成的。 这个餐厅的天花也是Nichole Blackburn使用金属漆(Metallic Paints)完成的。 关于我们...
but it just lacks a little bit of character. I told the Mr. that I wanted to paint some of the house, which he thought was crazy, because the house had all just been painted. So I’ve held off, until I foundModern Mastersmetallic paints. You know I’m...
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Popular Artists: Aaron Douglas, Palmer Hayden, Archibald Motley, Augusta Savage. Notable Artwork: Douglas’s “Aspects of Negro Life” series, Hayden’s “The Janitor Who Paints,” Motley’s “Blues,” Savage’s “The Harp.” The Harlem Renaissance was an intellectual, social, and artistic ex...
The modern Ultramarine Blue was born. And with it, an era when affordable paints would democratize the use of blue in art. Canaletto (1697-1768) was one of the first to use Prussian Blue to depict the sky and canals of his native Venice. ...