Modern machine learning (ML) techniques are ubiquitous in the field of particle physics. These ML models are primarily meant for exploiting large amounts of high-dimensional data to reduce complexity and extract as much information as possible from data. This special issue presents a series of ...
05 Wasserstein gradient flows for machine learning 1:02:17 Knot Floer homology of satellite knots 49:59 A survey on weak optimal transport 1:01:44 Conformal Walk Dimension_ Its Universal Value and the Non-attainment for the Sie 30:51 EKR-Module Property 49:07 How Round is a Jordan Curve_...
The physics of the glass transition and amorphous materials continues to attract the attention of a wide research community after decades of effort. Supercooled liquids and glasses have been studied numerically since the advent of molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations, and computer studies have...
American science,especially the physical sciences,was a colonial outpost of Europe.Americans had a little distinction in the 18th and 19th centuries.There
The ROME (Refinement and Optimization via Machine lEarning for cryo-EM) software package is a parallel computing software system dedicated for high-resolution cryo-EM structure determination and data analysis, which implements advanced machine learning a
Learning materialsRead the official Fyrox book here. It is in early development stage, but it should help you start using the engine, also the book contains a series of tutorials that should help you to create your first game.Features
University of California Berkeley considers statistical learning, also known as statistical machine learning (SML), to involve probability theory, statistics, approximation theory, convex analysis, algorithm complexity theory, machine learning and other disciplines [18]. The development of DRE planning theor...
can be for instance the rapid development in the period [1985, 1989] of the new research area “astroparticle physics”, emerging at the intersection of particle physics, astronomy and astrophysics38, and which mainly combines the knowledge from fieldsEPFandGAA. As an evidence of this rapid deve...
Binary complex plasmas consist not only plasma components including electrons, ions and neutrals but also mesoscopic solid particles of two types in terms
3 where we show, in the left panel, the current positions of matter streams (the particle trajectories for certain times) and, in the right panel, the corresponding matter density. Whenever the number of matter streams changes, the determinant of ∇∇qqxx vanishes, which by virtue of Eq...