In particular, the already mentioned law “On the protection of the rights of juridical persons.” 7. It must be recognized that one of the most acute problems faced by foreign investors is also represented by the still imperfect functioning of the rule of law, the absence of a reliable leg...
and approximating each of the integrals by means of the trapezoidal rule (we write F as an abbreviation of the approximation of f(u)) results in ∮∂Bunt+f(u)nxds≈−12(xj+1−xj)(Uj+1n+Ujn)+12(tn+1−tn)(Fj+1n+1+Fj+1n)+12(xj+1−xj)(Uj+1n+1+Ujn+1)−12(tn+1...
This journal engages in a double-anonymous peer review process, which strives to match the expertise of a reviewer with the submitted manuscript. Reviews are completed with evidence of thoughtful engagement with the manuscript, provide constructive feedback, and add value to the overall knowledge and...
One exception from the tendency of abbreviation is Kanjun’s Clarification, which features only five tales from Zhuhong’s collection but reproduces each tale in great detail. As exemplified by the tale of the kitchen maid of the Cheng family, cited at the beginning of this essay, Kanjun ...