The Gupta period has been referred to as the Golden Age of Indian history. When Chandragupt I received the gift of Pataliputra in dowry when he married the daughter of the chief of the ‘Licchavis’, he started to lay down the foundation of his empire, which extended from th...
It borders the states of Uttar Pradesh to the north-east, Chhattisgarh to the south-east, Maharashtra to the south, Gujarat to the west, and Rajasthan to the northwest. The region covered by the present-day MP includes the area of the ancient Avanti mahajanapada, whose capital Ujjain (aka...
This is a learned work about the history of medicine, excellently illustrated and arranged according to a special plan. The book is badly titled, because the author has missed a great deal of what is romantic and dramatic in the developm... BL Gordon - 《Journal of the American Medical As...
The article discusses the deposits and formative conditions of modern salt or the halite in Sambhar Lake in Rajasthan, India. It states that the lake is one of the continental lakes where evaporates precipitate in a series of minerals that halite dominates. It adds that the salt precipitation in...
created history by being the first Indian woman to represent her country in a team performance at the BBC-televised Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo. Her motto, "Empowering Folk Roots Through Dance," reflects her dedication to using dance as a means of commemorating and conserving cultural history....
Asian history Gods for the modern era| The rise of miracle shrines in northwestern India UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Arvind-Pal Mandair SaulRufin JameyThis dissertation argues that the worship of certain enshrined Indian gods offering miracles has been substantially affected by socioeconomic change over ...
Apart from her travels, she has served in local government and on the board of several schools. She also acts as outside examiner for the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Among her best-known publications are A history of writing (1984), which has appeared in several editions in London...
modern art. It presents the different art styles in Agra’s history. When you walk in, you feel like you are in a different place. It’s where the past and the present meet. And it nurtures an appreciation for the lasting influence of art in this old city...
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The History of Law Enforcement Although it may seem like having a local or state police force has been part of our way of life forever, it's actually very new. Professional law enforcement officers detect and prevent crimes and keep the people safe, but they have not always existed the way...