他最为人熟知的身份,是一位“中国专家”,先后出版过五部中国历史的专著,不过显然,他对法国政治的阐述,同样犀利而独特,从他今年的新著《法兰西现代史:从大革命至今》(The History of Modern France: From the Revolution to the Present Day, Simon & Schuster出版社, 2015-7-2,ISBN: 9781471129292)就可见一斑。
History of modern francePrentice
The History of Modern France: From the Revolution to the Present Day Jonathan FenbySimon &...Robb, Graham
图书History of Modern France 1815-1852 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
Modern history Facing demolition, the Dai-ichi Bank building had seen better days. But at the 11th hour, and with a nod to its illustrious past, the site has been rejuvenated as K5 hotel. Writer Fiona Wilson It wasn’t so long ago that an empty building in the middle of Tokyo was fit...
1) modern France 近代法国例句>> 2) modern international law 近代国际法 1. It especially had a great influence on the translation and teaching of the modern international law and promoted the propagation of the international law in China. 北京同文馆是近代中国由政府设立的最早的一所近代化学校...
a University of Paris, SorbonneOliviera University of Paris, SorbonneTaylor & Francis GroupJournal of Modern Italian StudiesFaron O., "The history of modern and contemporary Italy: made in France (from the late 1970s to the late 1990s)", Journal ofModern Italian Studies, vol. 4, n° 3, ...
The beginnings of modern painting cannot be clearly demarcated, but there is general agreement that it started in 19th-century France. The paintings ofGustave Courbet,Edouard Manet, and theImpressionistsrepresent a deepening rejection of the prevailing academic tradition and a quest for a more naturali...
The Third Republic from its Origins to the Great War, 1871 - 1914 (The Cambridge History of Modern France)豆瓣评分:0.0 简介:This book provides a detailed account of French history from the origins of the Third Republic, born out of the collapse of Napo
NONFICTIONFRANCEIn lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: #include virtual="/journals/includes/copyright/jih2002_bnr.htinc" Journal of Interdisciplinary History 33.2 (2002) 296-297 BEGIN TABLE MARGINS #include virtual="/journals/includes/alignment/articletable_top.htinc" #...