让Haley把舌头从她男朋友嘴里拔出来还不如杀了她,那场面就像鸟妈妈在给小鸟味虫吃。"I mean, who has a hot grandmother?" - Alex我的意思是,谁会有个辣奶奶啊?"Don't you have an eating disorder you need to attend to?" - Alex 出自S01E17,0'11"你还是操心你怎么得厌食症吧。"I'm just ...
Family Unnamed Great- Grandfather †Unnamed Grandfather †[2]Frank Dunphy † - FatherGrace Dunphy † - MotherTed Dunphy † - Great-GrandfatherRazvan Dunphy † - Great-Great-GrandfatherLorraine Dunphy - StepmotherRay - StepbrotherClaire Dunphy - WifeHaley Marshall - DaughterAlex Dunphy - ...
Season 1-2 1/60 v•e•dModern Familycharacters Main characters Phil Dunphy•Claire Dunphy•Haley Marshall•Alex Dunphy•Luke Dunphy•Dylan Marshall•Jay Pritchett•Gloria Pritchett•Manny Delgado•Joe Pritchett•Mitchell Pritchett•Cameron Tucker•Lily Tucker-Pritchett• [PETS]:Lar...
Sarah Hyland Was Told She Was "Too Old" To Audition For Haley On "Modern Family" "What people don't know is when Haley was pregnant, they made a fake prosthetic belly for when we did an ultrasound scene. I was like, 'Do I get to keep this?' And they're like, 'No.'" Natasha...
Sarah Hyland Was Told She Was "Too Old" To Audition For Haley On "Modern Family" "What people don't know is when Haley was pregnant, they made a fake prosthetic belly for when we did an ultrasound scene. I was like, 'Do I get to keep this?' And they're like, 'No.'" Natasha...
Sarah Hyland Was Told She Was "Too Old" To Audition For Haley On "Modern Family" "What people don't know is when Haley was pregnant, they made a fake prosthetic belly for when we did an ultrasound scene. I was like, 'Do I get to keep this?' And they're like, 'No.'" Natasha...
Sarah Hyland Was Told She Was "Too Old" To Audition For Haley On "Modern Family" "What people don't know is when Haley was pregnant, they made a fake prosthetic belly for when we did an ultrasound scene. I was like, 'Do I get to keep this?' And they're like, 'No.'" Natasha...
Explore the world of the beloved TV show, Modern Family, with fun quizzes, behind-the-scenes stories, and intriguing facts about the cast and their incredible journey.
Sarah Hyland Was Told She Was "Too Old" To Audition For Haley On "Modern Family" "What people don't know is when Haley was pregnant, they made a fake prosthetic belly for when we did an ultrasound scene. I was like, 'Do I get to keep this?' And they're like, 'No.'" Natasha...