其实是海莉在基婚礼那天暗示的andy 然后在医院 也是海莉说的话 然后在jay家里带医生来的也是她 知道andy求婚然后冲去现场的也是她 在电影院看到andy幸福而甩掉迪兰的也是她 到最后冲去激吻andy的也是她 大叔有秘密 Haley 6 除非你的异性朋友是基佬或者拉拉,根本就不可能成为闺蜜 凤仪亭上 Cameron 9 我对大...
剧中Dylan和Andy的共同点不仅仅是都做过Haley的男友 他们在现实生活中是同一天出生(11月7日),年龄相差5年 这里插一嘴Andy 为什么他老说自己也叫manny呢?因为他是male nanny (男保姆) (以后有时间写写英文里还有本剧里有趣的缩略词) Andy的扮演者Adam Patrick DeVine 在他11岁时被42吨重的混凝土卡车撞伤 造成...
Barney, Chuck
"Summer Lovin" is the first episode and the Season 7 premiere of Modern Family. It aired on September 23, 2015. Haley’s attempt to stop Andy from proposing to Beth will end up with both Haley and Andy needing to cope with their emotions and both will ha
而从长远的剧情走向来看,这一集终于把Haley和Andy的狗血都给收了回来,Andy愿意和Haley去emotionally connected,甚至让长期黑他的我都相信,这个小伙子是踏实的。不过这条感情线能不能写好,还要看后面主创们的努力,毕竟前面糟蹋的太彻底了。 嗯我就是610 Jay 13 接下来具体说说这集好在哪里:首先是一场大雨和断电...
("Family Portrait") Phil finds out, from Alex accidentally implying it, that Haley has lost her virginity to Dylan. Phil asks Claire how long she's known about it and she tells him that she known about it for 3 months, Phil then states "So this giant thing happened to our first ...
Season 1-2 1/60 v•e•dModern Familycharacters Main characters Phil Dunphy•Claire Dunphy•Haley Marshall•Alex Dunphy•Luke Dunphy•Dylan Marshall•Jay Pritchett•Gloria Pritchett•Manny Delgado•Joe Pritchett•Mitchell Pritchett•Cameron Tucker•Lily Tucker-Pritchett• [PETS]:Lar...