Haley and Dylan have a long relationship on Modern Family full of romantic moments, a few break-ups, and a surprising pregnancy. From the beginning of the series, these two were introduced as the typical young couple filled with passion for each other and an immaturity about their relationship...
Phil:存有所有家庭照片的iPad(不愧是乔帮主的脑残粉) Claire:只要全家人在一起,其他什么都不需要"As long as I have my family, I wouldn't need anything else." 最后一个发言的果然是占尽优势啊,于是就被吐槽了哈哈哈,超级温情 几个孩子没有发言,但是大家可以想想Haley Alex Luke和Manny都会怎么回答? 成为...
【非典型技术贴】分分..Haley作为Mitch和Cam心中hot and chic的侄女 她的服装也是剧中的一大看点几季MF看下来 我发现她的outfit非常……有规律可循……下面窝们就来扒一扒她的穿衣风格
#摩登家庭知识问答#/#摩登家庭# 【Modern Family S06E01】Haley的博客为何突然订阅数暴涨? http://t.cn/A6O9iBN2
Claire 做好了饭叫孩子们下来吃,大女儿Haley走下楼来,说到 Why are you guys yelling at us when we are way upstairs? 这里的way 表示副词远远地,Claire看到她穿的超短裙太短了,说到 it is way too short 这里way 做副词修饰副词too,是一个adv修饰adv的结构。相当于very 的意思。这是二女儿Lily 走下来说...
Jay, natural father (生父)of Mitchel and Claire, father-in-law (岳父;公公) of Cameron and Phil, step father (继父) of Manny, and grandfather of Lily, Haley, Alex and Luke, hit the mark with a single comment (一语道破;点出). Okay. The key to being a gooddad? Sometimes things...
【有图有真相】我觉得..她们俩的气质蛮像的。有点拉丁。。连男友都有点一个路线哈哈嗯。毕竟haley看上去就是小丫头片子。不过人家的身材也挺好 挺亚洲想当年看第一集的时候 一度怀疑那是瓦妮莎早期作品
大姐"Haley" .."Haley" 扮演者Sarah Hyland和霉霉是很好的闺蜜,这次Sarah的男友也参演了Style男主角MV很唯美~~Taylor Swift&Dominic Sherwood Style 视频来自:音悦台找到合照一张
all of her applications had been rejected before she received one final letter to open. Haley’s entire family gathered around to learn that she’s on one school’s “wait list.” Phil exclaimed, “Our daughter might be going to college!” Haley learned she actually “will” be going to...