Haley and Dylan have a long relationship on Modern Family full of romantic moments, a few break-ups, and a surprising pregnancy. From the beginning of the series, these two were introduced as the typical young couple filled with passion for each other and an immaturity about their relationship...
S10E22 Hal..初三中考后开始追摩登家庭那时候才出到第四季Haley还是个teengirl现在看到Haley怀孕生子真的有种感觉青春在一点点逝去
大姐"Haley" .."Haley" 扮演者Sarah Hyland和霉霉是很好的闺蜜,这次Sarah的男友也参演了Style男主角MV很唯美~~Taylor Swift&Dominic Sherwood Style 视频来自:音悦台找到合照一张
Gloria来教Haley西语 一针见血美国人的在语言上的惰性 结果被隔壁的老爷爷怼了回去 姜还是老得辣 文化的发展还是要以国力为基础啊! 英国美国这些以英语为母语,有经济比较发达的国家 都在语言上有一种油然而生的优越感在《爱在黎明破晓前》(before sunrise) 也有类似的片段 S4E6 Luke发现了Gloria18岁选美比赛时...
all of her applications had been rejected before she received one final letter to open. Haley’s entire family gathered around to learn that she’s on one school’s “wait list.” Phil exclaimed, “Our daughter might be going to college!” Haley learned she actually “will” be going to...
Modern Family S01E01 Dylan第一次来Haley家 场景:克莱尔的老公叫菲尔,他们的婚姻幸福美满。他们有两个女儿一个儿子。大女儿叫海莉,小女儿叫艾丽克斯,儿子叫卢克。海莉是学校里的校花,她告诉妈妈今天有一个男生来家里做客,15岁的女儿第一次有男生到家里来玩儿,克莱尔感到非常紧张,菲尔却不以为然。
Haley says "Hi." 海莉也向你问好 I was just being facetious. 我刚刚是开玩笑的啦 Come on. I'll catch you up. 来 叔跟你说说赛况 Sit it. Park it. 坐下 速度点 Come on. I don't bite. 放轻松 人家又不会吃了你 Kidding. 逗你玩儿 ...
【非典型技术贴】分分..Haley作为Mitch和Cam心中hot and chic的侄女 她的服装也是剧中的一大看点几季MF看下来 我发现她的outfit非常……有规律可循……下面窝们就来扒一扒她的穿衣风格
RELATED:Modern Family: 10 Couples That Would Have Made A Lot Of Sense (But Didn't Get Together) Haley quits on the spot (much to Luke's dismay) and goes on to become a new assistant. Luke is seen upset and annoyed with Haley, especially since he went out on a whim hiring her in...