Another beast is usability. Links should scream, “Click me!,” devoid of users engaged in detective work. Generic anchor text such as “Click here” or “Read more” is off-limits. Try something more particular, though: “See Hyperlink Design Examples” or “Download the SEO Checklist. A ...
One of the better examples of an inclusion that’s designed to elicit a response, but left me apathetic, is the playable waterboarding scene. Farah Karim, the leader of a rebellion in Urzikstan, is strapped to a chair by a dull antagonist, and rogue Russian general, named Roman Barkov; ...
Examples of art movements include Impressionism, Surrealism, Cubism, and Abstract Expressionism, each with distinct characteristics that define the collective work of the artists associated with them. Below we discuss 48 art movements throughout history, starting from the ancient Greek Classicism all the...
People also believed, using what they called examples ancient and modern—and the example of the Terror in France, which had only very recently congealed into Napoleon's Empire, was a strong case—that societies without inherited order were intrinsically weak, unstable and inclined to dissolve int...
J. Toynbee, Hellenism: The History of a Civilization, Oxford, 1959 and V. Ehrenberg, ‘Toynbee’s Hellenism’, Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte, 8, 1959, pp. 491–6. For Arnold’s view, see M. Arnold, Culture and Anarchy: An Essay in Political and Social Criticism, London, ...
What Fred & Ginger did was theater and spectacle, and was never intended to be an accurate representation of how ordinary folks danced. Countless examples of normal, workaday social dancing can be seen in movies of the period but not being done by exhibition dancers like Fred and Ginger. If...
“Gore’s lies”. The purpose of the game was to return any interaction to the message, namely that Gore lies. So if it is noted that the supposed examples of Gore lying (e.g., his perfectly true claim to have done onerous farm chores) were themselves untrue, common responses would ...
There’s precedent for interruptant art inculture-jamming. We can take existing messages and alter them, for art or anarchy. But we can do more that that; there’s plenty of “there” there. Every minute brings more of it. We can seed our own messages, our own forms, our own voices...
I've been coming across article after article in my Internet wanderings about how the idea that just showing up and doing the work is just as important as the notion of "inspiration" in the creative process. Here are two examples from musicians - the first, an excerpt from a letter legend...
”⁶⁶He providedextensive examplesillustratingthedistinctive quali-tiesof thedialectsof DiyarbekirandtheRohzikiofBitlis.⁶⁷Andfor Evliya, thisplaceof poetry andof beautiful boyswithravishingvoices,this“Orient”wasaregionof magicandwondersthatwasbeingdestroyed by theOttomanstate.Although employed by...