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In the 100 years history of X-ray applications in medical imaging the dose requirements could be lowered by the factor 1000. While R枚ntgen's rays initially have been used almost exclusively for diagnostic purposes the rate of therapeutic applications is growing fast. Image guided therapy allows...
W. McLaren, M.A., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.M.R.E., Director, X-ray (Diagnostic) Department, St. Thomas's Hospital, London; Examiner in Radiology, University of London. 9⅝ × 6⅝ in. Pp. 464 + xxi, with 381 illustrations. 1948. London: Butterworth & Co. (Publishers)...
doi:10.1002/bjs.18004116626NoneJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.British Journal of Surgery
Nanomaterials’ unique physical and chemical characteristics have made it possible to employ them as cutting-edge, effective diagnostic instruments for various plant infections and other significant disease biomarkers. By creating diagnostic instruments and methods, nanobiosensors significantly contribute to the...
Nvim-tree and Bufferline also introduced lsp diagnostic hooks. Integrate with mason-lspconfig require("mason").setup() require("mason-lspconfig").setup() require('lspconfig').gopls.setup({ gopls_cmd = {install_root_dir .. '/go/gopls'}, fillstruct = 'gopls', dap_debug = true, ...
and to Robert Koch for the discovery of the tuberculosis bacillus;and Joseph Lister for the principle of antiseptics.In addition,advances in anesthetics made diagnostic and corrective surgery feasible.Cell theory and physiology,of course,led directly to the question of what happened when cells divided...
Furthermore, these innovative artworks reproduce the radical changes the decades after 1900 brought to everyday academic dentistry: the confident use of local anaesthetics; improved diagnostic possibilities including intraoral X-rays; scientifically-established caries research with new prophylactic options; ...
(∼1-2 × 10−4) limits the probability of recognizing volcanic sources of this gas, and the same evidently applies to the much more abundant CO2. However, our evaluations demonstrate that the compositions of both Earth-like moderately H-rich volcanic gases and putative H-depleted volcanic ...
Production of peroxidase from horseradish roots occurs on a relatively large scale because of the commercial uses of the enzyme, for example as a component of clinical diagnostic kits and for immunoassays. Although the term horseradish peroxidase is used somewhat generically, the root of the plant ...