Later, with the passage of the Immigration Quota Act (1929–1965), it dropped to a few hundred a year. When the second wave of Arab immigration to the United States began in the late 1960s, the descendants of the early Lebanese immigrants were in their third generation and had almost ...
Thus,the true disputeisover‘legitimatesuccession’fromAdam and his select descendants,inwhich Halevi presents the Christian and Muslim views that they arethe legitimatesuccessors.Incon-trast,the Jewish sage convincesthe KingofJewish legitimacyand chosenness;see Ehud Krinis,God’sChosen People: Judah...
Sīrah (the life and biography of Prophet Muhammad) has been the point of focus and writing since the Prophet passed away. Approaches to sīrah have evolved in the Muslim and non-Muslim worlds over the centuries. This has had a significant impact on how