Monarchs, Merchants, and Missionaries in Early Modern Asia: The Missions trangères in Siam, 1662–1684doi:10.1080/07075332.1999.9640850LoveRonald S.Taylor & Francis GroupInternational History ReviewLove R., "Monarchs, Merchants, and Missionaries in Early Modern Asia: The Missions Etrangeres in Siam...
The modern whabi mullahs are much like the Catholic missionaries of old, who believe that it is there purpose in life to impose sexual repressions and other hardships on the public.There was a recent incidence where a women in Saudi was gang raped by around six men – she was given 90...
There was real iron in him, and I always felt he was of the stuff martyrs were made of, and heroic missionaries ofmoremodern times. 我总觉得古代的殉道勇 士,以及现代的宣教英雄,就该是像他一样的人。
While some years back missionaries used to be foreigners from abroad, having native missionaries is becoming more popular. This involves getting locals to become ministers of the gospel in their own country. Using indigenous missionaries have many advantages, including preventing culture shock because pe...
Through the work of missionaries, the French gained influence in Vietnam long before the arrival of a single French soldier or administrator. When a peasant rebellion, known as theTay-son,reunified the country in 1788 under the rule of a rebel leader who had himself proclaimed emperor, the su...
we can consider Arabic language printing in premodern Italy. In 2021, I acquired an Italian primer to train missionaries in Arabic, printed in Rome in the 1630s. I purchased this as a way to expand our collection of Italian books and intertwine them with our existing collections. This prime...
we can consider Arabic language printing in premodern Italy. In 2021, I acquired an Italian primer to train missionaries in Arabic, printed in Rome in the 1630s. I purchased this as a way to expand our collection of Italian books and intertwine them with our existing collections. This prime...
The first wave of Greek immigrants included about 40 orphans who had survived the Greek Revolution of 1821 and who were brought to the United States by American missionaries; survivors of the 1822 massacre of Chios by the Turks; and merchant sailors who settled in the Americas. Most of these...
The interaction betweendominating and resisting religious movements can produce especially explo-sive results, such as the Boxer Uprising of 1900, which included the killing ofmany Christian missionaries and their families.Modern Territoriality, the Nation-State, and Nationalism161 There are also secular ...
Into these uniquely American ghettos also came a string of Protestant and Catholic missionaries, establishing churches and schools and trying to convert and assimilate the Chinese, as well as a steady stream of political factions and reformers from China, advancing their agendas for modernizing China ...