since these designations are the most elementary examples of human abstraction and classification.Neither would he behold objects that are crusted,shagged,or glittering—all metaphors imposed on the scene.He would not see these objects
We use examples from Nigeria, Ghana, and other Third World countries to highlight this phenomenon. The paper emphasizes the impact of the West on the Third World traditional societies and demonstrates the symbiotic dualities that permeated the formations. The historical disruption of the internal ...
The global imperialism of modern constitutionalism is one that suppresses the vast multiplicity of existing legal pluralities and, consequently, fuels war and aggression, not perpetual peace. Tully's important analysis of the imperial roles of modern law is understood in the broader contexts of his ...
I looked for examples of early recognition that if debts couldn’t be paid on a widespread basis, some authority was needed to write them down, or else a creditor oligarchy would emerge to polarize and ultimately impoverish the economy. Such polarization and impoverishment is clear e...
It made me question what I saw right in front of my eyes: blatant examples of anti-Black racism. However, reading Black Lives gave me the vocabulary, strength and confidence I so desperately needed to pursue this important work. Countering the long established idea in early modern discourse ...
dominated by Conservatory-educated musical virtuosos and with a history closely tied to Western imperialism. Primarily self-taught and with a background in hip hop, Njoku’s presence is as unlikely as it is valuable. More than just being deeply emotive, his original compositions stan...
The invasion of Iran can only be described as US imperialism, something condemned not only by the socialist movement, but many people from across the political spectrum, and this action will likely be criticised not only internationally, by many in the United States as well. So, we have a ...
1979: Havana Declaration ; Treaty of Belgrade officials announce support for "national independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and security against neo-colonialism, imperialism, racism,..." in Havana, Cuba,... 1979: Residents of San Diego, California report the mass landing of UFOs, trigger...
"By 1776 the English language had already undergone most of thesyntacticchanges which differentiate Present-Day English (henceforth PDE) fromOld English(henceforth OE) ... Older patterns ofword orderwith the verb at theclauseend or in secondconstituentposition had long been replaced by an unmarked...
「翻译」【难民向】摩登纯黑侵染控 搬运自金鱼来自一个贩子网站的安利(雾) 壕也不要走,后面有加了肉的牌表 151赞 worldorder吧 善树良木 新单曲《Imperialism》歌词翻译一 引用的国情咨文中那些长句快搞死我了。渣翻译,未做润色,有些句子也没有根据歌的整体感觉做意译。要是哪位觉得里面哪里有更好的表述还...