Rev Bonita Grubbs
What are some modern-day parables?Parables:Parables are usually very short stories meant to teach the reader a lesson. Many parables are religious or spiritual in nature. In fact, the parables of Jesus are a major component of Jesus's teachings, and parables in the gospels form a significant...
“Ah! Aunty, don’t talk like that o. What if those cult boys had started shooting and a stray bullet killed someone else, what would you say then? Ah! Abeg o, dem no dey do Good Samaritan for this our country again o”. By now, the man that settled the case was back in the ...
Colorful pictures and age appropriate text make this the ideal storybook for use in your classroom. Teachers can use this book to welcome kids to Sunday school or as outreach. At only $1.99 each, teachers may also want to purchase copies for each student. Quantities of five or more books ...
Q. Wardrobe Malfunction: The other day I saw a woman walking outside at my university whose skirt had ridden up high enough in the back to see the bottom of her underwear.I considered telling her but decided against it because I am a man and did not want to ...
I listened to that voice that day, though. I called her up and we had a great time. Sometimes–every once in a while–God knows better than we do. So, the lesson here is twofold. 1. God sometimes asks us to do things we don’t want to do. Remember Moses? Or Abraham? Or Jesus...
Modern Good SamaritanProfiles Barbara Elliott, who in 1989 gave up her journalism career and take up ministering to Cold War refugees in Germany. Family background; Career background; Accomplishments.Selle, Robert R.World & I
Tragic Choices and the Modern-Day Good SamaritanRoger J. Bulger
The Good Samaritan and the Clampers: A Modern Parable
A Modern Take on the Good SamaritanBaggini, Julian