Both Buddha in ancient India and Confucius in ancient China advocated the use of truthfulness, “good” rhetoric, and “proper” forms of speech and writing to inspire people to live a good life through example and precept. MODERN-DAY PROPAGANDA – PRINT In recent centuries, the term “...
In the wake of 9/11, for example, many Western armies got used to fighting in asymmetrical conflicts in the Middle East where success could be achieved through the use of air dominance. Because they expected this style of fighting to continue to be their main focus, they developed and equip...
By some commentators, this was interpreted as not much more than a fake façade for the benefit of the camera as a propaganda piece. Nonetheless, the appearance was still a departure from previous vehicles and was clearly taking some inspiration both from modern Western and Russian MBTs, the ...
Context is important, and detailed historical context is not part of Western biographies of Kano. One example can be seen below, in a rare English explanation by Kano shihan of the ‘True Spirit of Judo’. When I was still young, I learned various types of “jujitsu”.** However, I fo...
But the deep state of the time ran a couple of propaganda ops to inflame public sentiment, and the Wilson Administration eventually dragged Americans into what came to be known as the Great War. Ironically, Wilson had been elected president on the slogan that he “kept us out of war,” bu...
It’s a boon to have someone raising the bar, in this loveliest of worst-millennia-ever. Especially in a writer who our current-day meld of Shakespeare, Serling, and Hecht. That said, and in the name of God and all that’s Holy, Aaron, please please please PLEASE do not, do NOT,...
Bolted onto both exterior and interior walls across Rebirth Island are over a dozen smart display panels, offering Operators the latest in Konni propaganda, the general weather forecast for Rebirth Island, and more tactically, where the largest “heat zone” is (the congregat...
, foreign governments use Internet devices to collect information on regular citizens to tailor their enormous propaganda efforts, and those data collections on have helped hostile nations level up substantially in their subversion tactics targeted at the West…but that is an article for another day....
However, they are all ignoring actual scientific empirical evidence that powerfully contradicts this narrative propaganda. Importantly, throughout the past 8+ years, climate expert projections and their climate models of the global warming trend have been grievously inaccurate. This incredible inaccuracy ...