Modern-CMake-for-C++-2ed-zh-20240908 [大小:14.96 MB ] [页数:351 ]m12437517 参与任务:20件 被采纳率:56% 2024-09-20 23:08:04 Modern CMake for C++ - Second Edition -- Rafal Swidzinski [大小:10.67 MB ] [页数:503 ] 详情: 请查看 ...
Gain proficiency in CMake and unlock the complete potential of C++ to develop exceptional projects Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free eBook in the PDF format Key Features: - Get to grips with CMake and take your C++ development skills to enterprise standards ...
Understand best practices for building C++ code Gain practical knowledge of the CMake language by focusing on the most useful aspects Use cutting-edge tooling to guarantee code quality with the help of tests and static and dynamic analysis Discover how to manage, discover, download, and link depe...
You can further use file include/nlohmann/json_fwd.hpp for forward-declarations. The installation of json_fwd.hpp (as part of cmake's install step), can be achieved by setting -DJSON_MultipleHeaders=ON. CMake You can also use the nlohmann_json::nlohmann_json interface target in CMake. ...
Modern CMake for C++ Discover a better approach to building, testing and packaging your software 星级: 460 页 Buten Smileys by Rafa Saavedra 星级: 21 页 CITY by Rafa Garc 星级: 2 页 c语言牛拉法潮流(C language cow rafa tide) 星级: 40 页 Clifford Algebras with Numeric and Symbolic...
cmake第一本神书 我要写书评 Modern CMake for C++: Discover a better approach to building, testing and packaging your software的书评 ··· ( 全部2 条 ) 热门 枫叶非也 2022-11-16 11:17:49 2022年第七本与C++相关书籍——专注于CMake项目的教程 这篇书评可能有关键情节透露 这本书是在...
原文:书籍推荐-《Modern CMake for C++》中文版&英文版 书籍:Modern CMake for C++(中文版&英文版) 作者:Rafał Świdziński 译者:陈晓伟 出版:Packt 编辑:东岸因为@一点人工一点智能 01 书籍介绍 创造优秀的软件并非易事。开发人员经常会遇到无法确定哪些建议是最新的,以及哪些方法已经有更新或更好的实践的...
【读英语原版书】【book 195】 Modern CMake for C++ 软件开发的专业书。 跨平台开发用到的! 感觉只有这一句金句,分享一下。
Modern CMake for C++: Discover a better approach to building, testing, and packaging your software Author: Rafal Swidzinski Publisher: Packt Publishing (28 Feb.
【Modern CMake project template for cross platform C++】 现代CMake跨平台C++项目模板。