Man will bow the knee only to his own image and likeness. The deeper the humanity, the deeper the adoration; and from this law not even divinity is excepted. All we adore is human, and through knowledge of the flesh that grovels we may catch sight of the soul ascending towards the ...
249 Forest Hills Road The owner of249 Forest Hills Roadin Brighton says that their home will soon be on the market. A beautiful home designed by Hershey on 1950. Keep a look out if you’re in the market for a mid century gem.
Burch (rev'd)Also, I believe Sappho wrote the first "make love, not war" poem a mere 2,500 years ahead of her time (see fragment 16: "Warriors on rearing chargers" in the longer poems section). The black earth absorbed grief-stricken tears along with the interred sons of Atreus....
WINNING OSCAR…From 1893 to 1943Oscar Tschirkywas the Waldorf-Astoria’s public face and a gracious host who made both the great and the not-so-great feel welcome. At left, in 1923; at right, Tschirky samples the first shipment of beer to arrive at the Waldorf-Astoria when the brew beca...
buddhism inviting the wisdom beings From the heart of the Protector of the hundreds of Deities of the Joyful Land, To the peak of a cloud which is like a cluster of fresh, white curd, All-knowing Losang Dragpa, King of the Dharma, Please come to this place together with your Sons. At...
ANITRA The sons of the desert await at thy tent-door; they pray for the light of thy countenancePEER Stop! Say in the distance I'd have them assemble; say from the distance I hear all their prayers. Add that I suffer no menfolk in here! Men, my child, are a worthless crew,...
We define the Tibetan Plateau as a junction station of the history of modern biodiversity, whose performance can be categorized in the following three patterns: (1) Local origination of endemism; (2) Local origination and “Out of Tibet”; (3) Intercontinental dispersal via Tibet. The first ...