Abstract Algebra (Group Field theory ) easier than conventional brute-force (eg. Quintic Polynomial has no radical root; Square a Circle; Trisect an angle; Fermat’s Last Theorem…) Geometry better than algebra (eg.½+¼+ ⅛+ …= 1) Analytical Geometry better than Euclidean Geometry (e...
Jeremy Gray: A History of Abstract Algebra. From?Algebraic Equations to Modern AlgebraMathematische Semesterberichte -doi:10.1007/s00591-018-00245-wCorneliusUniversit?tderGreitherUniversit?tderSpringer Berlin HeidelbergMathematische Semesterberichte
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Avi Bryant gave a greattalkon the applicability of abstract algebra, well mostly monoids, to the type of streaming calculations that are needed in many analytics systems. He showed how this provides a foundation for solutions like hyperloglog, min-hash, and count-min sketch. ...
Schröders Vorlesungen über die Algebra der Logik', in G. Frege, Kleine Schriften, Darmstadt: Wissenchaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 79Frege, G. 1989. 'Gottlob Frege: Briefe and Ludwig Wittgenstein', ed. by A. Janik and Ch. P. Berger, in B. McGuinness and R. Haller (eds.), ...
For whatever reason computing Cramer's Rule on matrices was hard, so they lucked out in that the bridged-T coil results in a symmetric system of equations so Ross could use the Wang algebra to quickly do the tedious at the time computation: Ross explains it hereDuffin and Bott did more ...
到 抽象原则的讲课方法,尤其对于抽象的近世代数课 程,在讲解定义、定理时更应采用这种方法.所谓由 具体到抽象的原则是指先举出具体实例,由具体实 例得出性质、结论,进而猜想抽象到一般情况是否成 立,再利用逻辑推演证明其正确性,若能按照这样的 思路来处理每一个问题,势必会使学生感觉到近世 代数也不是那么难,...
Preface on “Introduction to Number Theory” by Hua Luogeng (1956). “Math evolved from concrete to abstract, the former is the source of inspiration of the latter. One cannot just study the abstract definitions and theorems without going back to the source of concrete examples, which has pro...
Modern algebra, branch of mathematics concerned with the general algebraic structure of various sets (such as real numbers, complex numbers, matrices, and vector spaces), rather than rules and procedures for manipulating their individual elements. During