A Nimitz-class carrier is said to have an upper limit of 150-160 sorties per day, which is about 2.0 sorties per aircraft per day on average for an 80-aircraft wing. Using surge rates, a carrier in Command can do 3 Alpha Strikes per day which is pretty high. The ready time for the...
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United Kingdom/Republic of Singapore/State of Kuwait/Republic of Indonesia/Argentina/Republic of Ghana/Republic of Mauritius/Kingdom of Norway/Kingdom of Saudi Arabia/Ukraine (1988-Present) Armored Personnel Carrier/Internal Security Vehicle – Approximately 340-354 Built + Prototypes The Tactica, con...
Command is a game for those looking for a view from the Admirals Chair on their Flagship. The game allows the player to control every aspect of the game from the smallest unit (aircraft) all the way up to the Carrier Strike Group. The game also allows for the “AI” to control any n...
\[\begin{matrix} G(j\omega) & \ = R(\omega) + jX(\omega) = \frac{1 - j\left( \omega/\omega_{1} \right)}{\left( \omega/\omega_{1} \right)^{2} + 1} \\ & \ = \frac{1}{1 + \left( \omega/\omega_{1} \right)^{2}} - \frac{j\left( \omega/\omega_{1} \...
.Asideband high single sup carriermodulated pressed signalgeneratedby a IF isusedasthe modulatingpoorqualitysignal Brillouin a modulated wave,and pump phase sig nalatthesame isusedasthe wavelength probe Qmicrowavefilterreal signal.Ahigh photonic ized theselective oftheSBS by amplification effectisused...
The BMP-K-64 (БМП-К-64), also known as BMPT-K-64, was a Ukrainian wheeled heavy armored personnel carrier (HAPC) developed on the chassis of the T-64 main battle tank (MBT). It was developed by the Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau (KMDB), as a private project to...
In the role of armored personnel carrier, the 323, based on the Chinese Type 63 but improved by adding a dual 14.5 mm turret and an additional roadwheel, formed (and still forms) the mainstay armored personnel carrier of the KPA. The large production run it undertook also made its hull ...
In history, nothing happened. As this would make for a terrible scenario, your humble author has made two changes to history. First, with a carrier battle group on station, the United States could make an attack on insurgent positions to show its support for the Greek government. Second, St...
Romania (2015) Mortar Carrier – None Built An un-silhouetted, but low quality rendering from the patent of the MLI-84M with a CARDOM mortar. Some internal details can be seen. On the 25th of September, 2015, Pro Optica S.A. and MFA S.A. Mizil, two prominent Romanian defense compa...