Social media news seeking and vaccination intention amidst the COVID-19 pandemic: A moderated serial mediation modelVaccination intentionSocial media news seekingPerceived threatSelf-efficacyResponse efficacyMisinformation identificationIt has been established that vaccination is still one of the most effective...
Hello! I'm running a two-level moderated serial mediation model and struggling with the syntax. My two questions are: 1)I have consecutive mediators but not sure how to introduce the second mediator into the syntax. 2)I𠍿 not confident about my %between% syntax. Maybe I have some redund...
Objective: The research aims to adopt a serial moderation mediation model to investigate the serial indirect effects of entrepreneurial education and the moderation impacts of entrepreneurial government policies and programmes on entrepreneurial attitude-intention-behaviour links and tighten the attitude-intentio...
Finally, the moderated multi-mediation model was examined using PROCESS model 8, which was recommended by Ref. [160]. A Bootstrap with 5000 resamples and a 95 % confidence interval (CI) must not include zero for a significant indirect effect to be observed [32,161]. 3.4. Common method ...
Advanced Maternal Age, Gestational Diabetes, and Parity: A Moderated Mediation Model for Preeclampsia Background: As the trend of delaying pregnancy continues to grow globally, the prevalence of preeclampsia is expected to increase along with it, placing a ... M El Bakkali,M Derdaki,A Quyou -...
Internet altruistic behavior and self-consistency and congruence among college students: A moderated mediation model of self-efficacy and self-esteem Abstract Previous studies have identified the positive relationship between Internet altruistic behavior (IAB) and psychological health. However, few studies ...
Introduction: Maternal distress increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, significantly impacting children's media use. The purpose of this study was to explore the influence mechanism of maternal COVID-19 distress on preschoolers' problematic media us through a moderated mediation model; ...
Using AI chatbots in climate change mitigation: a moderated serial mediation modelView further author information ParkView further author information
Adolescent Alienation Scale, School Connectedness Scale, and Chinese College Student Adjustment Scale. The results showed that shyness was negatively associated with social adjustment and that alienation partially mediated the relationship between them. Moreover, this mediation effect was moderated by school...
Childhood trauma is a risk factor for psychotic and mood disorders that is associated with abnormal hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis f