I can see the simulation waveform result but in this waveform the delay isn't considered. The output signal has a 0ns delay. During simulation log, The "Error: can't read "FileWatch(filename)": no such element in array" message was shown. What does this ...
How can i solve"ERROR: can't read "Startup(-L)": no such element in array" in ModelSimSubscribe More actions FYu_S Beginner 09-13-2018 02:33 AM 6,592 Views Translate Tags: Intel® Quartus® Prime Software0 Kudos Reply ...
返回library,刷新工作区(如果不返回工作区刷新,有时候会报错Error loading design或者can't read "Startup(-L)": no such element in array) 右击tb模块,选择仿真(一定要选择tb模块来仿真,因为目的是为了测试) 右击tb模块,添加波形 run-all 选择否 返回波形视图,查看仿真结果 版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特别声明...
# *** can't set "CurrentColConfigName": can't read "tmp_array(Default)": no such element in array # can't set "CurrentColConfigName": can't read "tmp_array(Default)": no such element in array # while executing # "Structure::CreateWindow $dataset_name" # (procedure "Transcript::...
I have download and install the Quartus Prime Lite Edition (Free) with ModelSim-Altera Edition (includes Starter Edition) in it.When I use the ModelSim-Altera 10.4b (Quartus Prime 15.1) to Simulate my project,a error shows that'can't read "Startup(-L)": no s...
(cycloneive,none)": no such element in array while executing "set my_lib_list $family_all_lib_list($family,$language)" (procedure "::quartus::sim_lib_info::get_sim_models_for_family" line 12) invoked from within "::quartus::sim_lib_info::get_sim_models_for_family $fam...
I can see the simulation waveform result but in this waveform the delay isn't considered. The output signal has a 0ns delay. During simulation log, The "Error: can't read "FileWatch(filename)": no such element in array" message was shown. What does this mess...
How can i solve"ERROR: can't read "Startup(-L)": no such element in array" in ModelSim