modelsim—Altera显⽰ “no design loaded”modelsim—Altera显⽰ “no design loaded”modelsim与quartus ii已经关联,并且⼯程已经通过Compilation,在RTL仿真打开modelsim时却显⽰no design loaded,悲剧良久,在⽹上找到的说到的原因 是,testbench中有错误,诸如拼写或者语法错误,⽆法通过编译,故⽆法进...
Hi everyone, My design is compiled succssfully with quartus II, but when Iwant to execute Macro from Tools menu in Modelsim, there is no design loaded and I got this msg in the command prompt:# ** Error: too many nested evaluations (infinite loop?) ...
#Error in macro. / line 57 #No Design Loaded! #while execut...
本人有个问题想请教下,quartus II 11与Modelsim 6.6d联合仿真时,每次一点仿真进入Modelsim 都提示"no design loaded",然后自动退出modelsim 了 ,前边几天还好好的,这几天突然就用不了了(同一个工程,工程文件、软件路径都没改过)。 本人也百度了下各种解决方法,杀毒,卸载了quartus II 11与Modelsim 6.6d,再重新安...
|<No Design Loaded>|<No Contes菜单操作(从主菜单里面)Design -> Create a New Library->a map to an existing library命令行操作(从主窗口提示行后敲入)语法:vmap <logical_name<directory_path>vmap my_work c:my_designmy_lib 将my_yzo(k库的内容映射到myb建立库一映射现有的库園 Models)im ALTIERA...
i 2 ccmpiLea 0 faLled with no errors *Mo 26、delSm >Ln: 1 Col: 0rProject :LH?_FLOW<Nq Design Loaded图2.16编译成功3仿真工程3.1开始仿真单击Library 图标,选择work ,单击+以展开选项,然后选择LED_FLOW 。单击右键,选择编译, 如图3.1所示。File Edit View Compile Simulate Add Library Tols Layout ...
However, I've got the "No Design Loaded" error: I thought the "vsim" command is to load the cycloneive_atoms & PWM_Gen design. Do I need to add anything else on the .do script ...
; CheckpointCompressMode = 0 ; List of dynamically loaded objects for Verilog PLI applications ; Veriuser = 8.6 小结 本章以简单的例子讲述了 ModelSim 的仿真流程,以及使用 Testbench 和 Textio 对设计 进行仿真的流程.适合初学者入门,较为深入的教程可以参阅软件的用户手册. http-equiv="...
If you have started the import option and there was no Active-HDL design loaded, the new Active-HDL workspace is created and the new design (along with a library) is attached to the design tree displayed in the Design Browser window. It contains links to the HDL sources specified by the...