问题7:使用IP核仿真?需添加测试文件、待仿真文件及IP仿真库。问题8:错误提示:Error:E:/文件(19): (vlog-2163) Macro`d0 is undefined?解决:检查相关信号定义,确认类型、位宽正确。问题9:Xilinx平台工作库问题?在XILINX平台,使用“xil_defaultlib restart run - all”。问题10:提示“port ...
但是当我运行"do system.do“来编译设计时,它会显示如下错误, # ** Error: I:/programming/EDK/project_4/pcores/instruction_side_v1_00_a/hdl/verilog/StallUnit.v(6): (vlog-2163) Macro `MAX_STALL_CYCLES_LOG is undefined. 浏览0提问于2012-12-23得票数 1 1回答 使用Modelsim的Do文件包...
I would expect simulation to "fail" when an undefined input is driven into logic. Everything on the Nios II processor goes to high-impedence (red) after that Z input to the d_irq from the system inputs. I would consider looking at all your components that use irq to the Nios II ...