解决方法: win10(win8中同样有效)中是这样的 这台电脑》右键选择【属性】》【高级系统设置】》【环境变量】点击【新建】打开编辑对话框,【变量名】命名为MGLS_LICENSE_FILE,【变量值】为你LICENSE.TXT的文件路径, 在win10(win8)环境变量页面有用户变量和系统变量两个环境变量,我是选择两个都设置了。然后便可以...
Make sure your license file environment variables are set correctly and then run 'lmutil lmdiag' to diagnose the problem. Modelsim - Intel FPGA Edition uses the following environment variables to check the licenses (listed in the order of preference) 1...
Fatal License Error 1.MGLS_LICENSE_FILE 2.LM_LICENSE_FILE 2、试了试,好用的解决办法:将参数c:...
(一般默认保存在C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\license.txt) 4)右键点击“我的电脑”——属性——高级系统设置——高级——环境变量。 也可,右键点击“我的电脑”——属性——搜索“环境变量”。 5)编辑用户变量 点击“新建”——编辑变量名为“MGLS_LICENSE_FILE”——编辑变量值为“密钥文件地址\LICENSE...
Check the LM_LICENSE_FILE and MGLS_LICENSE_FILE variable that has been set if its pointing to the correct/latest license file/server. Looks like the license daemon is down. You will have to manually shutdown the server and restart it again. You can use the LMUTILS or LMTOOLS ...
unable to checkout a license. make sure your license file environment variables are set correctly and then run 'lmutil lmdiag' to diagnose the problem. modelsim-altera uses the following environment variables to check the licenses (listed in the order of preference) 1. mgls_license_file 2. ...
unable to checkout a license. make sure your license file environment variables are set correctly and then run 'lmutil lmdiag' to diagnose the problem. modelsim-altera uses the following environment variables to check the licenses (listed in the order of preference) 1. mgls_...
1.运行make.bat,产生license.dat文件 2.设定环境变量 LM_LICENSE_FILE 3.覆盖拷贝mgls.dll 不知道怎么...
第十四步:添加系统环境变量(我的电脑-属性-高级-环境变量),添加变量名LM_LICENSE_FILE,变量值(安装目录,例如:C:modeltech64_10.1cwin64LICENSE.TXT),确定即可。 第十五步: 之后modelsim就能正常打开了,我们可以再次尝试打开桌面上的“Modelsim SE 10.1C”图标。打开modelsim后如下图所示: ...
添加LICENSE环境变量部分,亲测MGLS_LICENSE_FILE可用 不推荐,因为配置联合仿真时会报几百个error,虽然用也能用,平时搞行为仿真都没问题,但是到一些布局布线仿真就趋势了。(我之前一直觉得配的没啥问题,直到布局布线仿真给了我当头一棒,报一堆modelsim error:module “XXXX“ is not defined,给我坑死了,一直debug配...