license.dat最好在linux环境下生成,应该添加的.bashrc路径,建议放在/root/.bashrc文件中,这样便于管理,当然还要source /root/.bashrcmodelsim,invalid,license,environment,linuxlicense.dat最好在linux环境下生成,应该添加的.bashrc路径,建议放在/root/.bashrc文件中,这样便于管理,当然还要source /root/.bashrc 追问: 你...
** Error: Invalid license environment. Application closing. Unable to checkout a license. Make sure your license file environment variables are set correctly and then run 'lmutil lmdiag' to diagnose the problem. Modelsim - Intel FPGA Edition uses the following envi...
** Fatal: Invalid license environment. Application closing. $ ls $LM_LICENSE_FILE /home/okramer/intelFPGA_pro/1-RIWRVV_License.dat Here are some relevant excerpts from that license file. I don't see any mention of modelsim. How do I get that?... # Product License Summary: # Quartus ...
# Invalid argument. (errno = EINVAL) # ** Warning: (vlib-34) Library already exists at "work". # ** Warning: (vcom-14) Failed to open "{** Warning: (vish-14) Failed to open "D:\modelsim\license.dat" specified by the MODELSIM environment variable. Using "modelsim.ini" instead. ...
The only MODELSIM environment variable set was LM_LICENSE_FILE and PATH. Do you mean the variable MODELTECH? This one was not set in the windows user-system-variable. Best regards Kurt LikeLikedUnlikeReply duthv.invalid (Member) 13 years ago Hi Ku...
** Error: Invalid license environment. Application closing.’ Using LMTOOLS diagnostics we find numerous errors similar to the following, for both daemons (mgcld/alterad)."mgcvipae" v2022.04, vendor: mgcld, expiry: 20-apr-2022 vendor_string...
I have the quartus prime lite 21.1, when I make the .vwf file a license error comes out: Invalid license environment. Please, look the file attach. Do you have to install the Modelsim for the quartus? or when the project is created, do you have to choose the ModelSim in Eda...
I have several versions of Modelsim installed on the same machine, however, you need to be careful about your environment setup. Type 'where' at the Modelsim prompt and post the output. Type 'parray env', and then copy-and-paste its output. Edit it to remove most of your pe...
** Error: Invalid license environment. Application closing. Unable to checkout a license. Make sure your license file environment variables are set correctly and then run 'lmutil lmdiag' to diagnose the problem. Modelsim - Intel FPGA Edition uses the...
** Error: Invalid license environment. Application closing. Unable to checkout a license. Make sure your license file environment variables are set correctly and then run 'lmutil lmdiag' to diagnose the problem. Modelsim - Intel FPGA Edition uses...