In windows that setting is saved with the project, so it would need to be made with each project rather than each time you start Quartus. I don't know if that is true of Linux. Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply Altera_Forum Honored Contributor II 08-15-201...
I have the version of ModelSim included with Quartus V20.1.1, the install page is here: Intel® Quartus® Prime Lite Edition Design Software Version 20.1.1 for Windows. I originally tried downloading and launching the version included with Quartus 19.1, but that software had the same issue... ou se os arquivos forem exatamente esses, copie para a pasta criada em/opt/altera/xx.x/modelsim_ase/lib32caso algum arquivo esteja mais atualizado, use os arquivos desse repositório executando o comando abaixo. $ wget https:...
It displays: Click and download the software (modelsim-pe_student_edition.exe), say on to your desktop. 1.3 On a Windows XP PC, double-click on On a windows 7 PC, right-click on 7. to start installation. to check compatibility with windows January 10, 2012 1:31 pm ModelSim PE ...
3 Windows 7 users: Do not use compatibility mode for running actual Modelsim program itself. See EE457_README_first.pdf for more details. 4 After testing the ModelSim installation by compiling and simulating a sample design, you can delete the ...
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Try this on a fully patched and updated Windows 10 Pro (e.g. 21H1 build 19043.1237) installation of Msim-AE (paid) 2021.1 Any update to project.mpf creates a project.mpf_new but the replacement does not happen until modelsim is closed. The only solution I have foun...
The free version (for Quartus 7.2) is called 72_modelsim_ae_free.exe, but the paid version is 72_modelsim_ae_windows.exe. If you downloaded and installed the full version, that could be the problem.. Pete Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply Altera_Forum Honored Contributor...