Hi, I have installed recently Quartus prime lite 20.1 and get the following error message when running a simulation from the University program
ModelSim executable not found in C:/intelFPGA_lite/20.1/quartus/common/tcl/internal/nativelink/Error. I also tried putting the project in a folder without any spaces, but got the same result. Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply Nurina Employee 03-24-2021 12:20 ...
Quartus 安装失败ModelSim executable not found.的解决方法,网上解决方案不成功。 仿真显示错误 最后发现,是ModelSim AE/ASE没安装,附18.0下载地址: ModelSim AE/ASE http://download.altera.com/akdlm/software/acdsinst/18.0std/614/ib_installers/ModelSimSetup- 1.11GB(不同版本需匹配相应...
Quartus 安装失败ModelSim executable not found.的解决方法,网上解决方案不成功。 仿真显示错误 最后发现,是ModelSim AE/ASE没安装,附18.0下载地址: ModelSim AE/ASE http://download.altera.com/akdlm/software/acdsinst/18.0std/614/ib_installers/ModelSimSetup- 1.11GB(不同版本需匹配相应...
It is not, at least in my Ubuntu 16.04 installation of Quartus Prime Lite. Yet, regardless of the OS environment, I find it somewhat strange that, on the one hand, ModelSim-ASE is the only model simulator installed in the free edition, and indeed this is the on...
I found a way to do what I wanted: set script_frame [info frame [ expr [info frame] - 1]] set my_cmd [dict get $script_frame cmd] set src_dir [ file dirname [ file normalize [ string range $my_cmd 3 end ] ] ] cd $src_dir cd...
ModelSim executable not found in C:/intelFPGA_lite/20.1/quartus/common/tcl/internal/nativelink/Error. I also tried putting the project in a folder without any spaces, but got the same result. Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply Nurina Employee 03-24-2021 12:20 ...
ModelSim executable not found in C:/intelFPGA_lite/20.1/quartus/common/tcl/internal/nativelink/Error. I also tried putting the project in a folder without any spaces, but got the same result. 翻譯 0 積分 複製連結 回覆 Nurina 員工 03-24-2021...