在今年一月份时OpenAI发布了新一代的embedding模型,text-embedding-3,有small跟large两个版本,最长输入长度为8191,新的模型除了在效果上有较大的提升外,还有一个明显的不同,就是它允许用户根据性能跟成本的实际需要去自定义下游任务的embedding size。举个例子,就是text embedding-3-small原本的embedding size是1536,...
Text embedding models are a way of transforming text into numerical representations, or embeddings, that can be used for various natural language processing tasks.
Text embedding optimization:目标文本首先通过文本编码器,该编码器输出其对应的文本嵌入e_{tgt}\in\Re^{T\times d},其中T是给定目标文本中的token数,d是token嵌入维度。然后,我们冻结了生成扩散模型f_{\theta}的参数,并使用去噪扩散目标优化了目标文本嵌入e_{tgt}:L(x,e,\theta)=E_{t,\epsilon}[||\epsi...
BaseModel使用LLM作为text encoder提取text embdding,使用UNet作为DM噪声模型,text embedding通过cross attention输入到UNet的各个stage。 Experiment DrawBench 一种评测机制,主要衡量图像的保真度(fidelity)与图文一致性(image-text alignment),包含11个类别200个text prompts。真正评测过程需要人工评价者参与打分。 增加text ...
A client side vector search library that can embed, store, search, and cache vectors. Works on the browser and node. It outperforms OpenAI's text-embedding-ada-002 and is way faster than Pinecone and other VectorDBs. searchvectortransformersembeddingsopenaiembedding-modelsvector-searchembedding-vecto...
This project aims to improve text embedding of smaller Language Models (LMs) up to 2B parameters using the contrastive fine-tuning technique. Specifically, the InfoNCE loss is utilized as a training objective. min − log e sim ( h i , h i + ) / τ ∑ i ( e sim ( h i , ...
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65 in which we used an indirect approach to estimate structural disconnections by embedding the lesion in a normative atlas of white-matter connections. Another innovative methodological aspect of this work is that we use the structural connectomes without additional optimization - fMRI connectivity is...
We will demonstrate, by embedding three of the models into a common framework, that the Loewe model is justified also for cases of varying potency ratio and thus the term generalization should be used with care. Effect-based null models